Please enjoy creating your true life the way you want by having a positive way to start your morning, Simply, when you wake up, fill your page of affirmations; I am grateful and I am. Make it a powerful routine to focus on your goals and dreams for 12 weeks. This affirmation note is designed slightly differently as each page ‘s hidden message of each new day for you. Fill everyday with love and send good vibes to your life. Sending you a lot of love and praying for your positive emotions, happiness and health. Enjoy life with gratitude. Love and Light!
Affirmation / Decide what affirmation you would like to focus on and write everyday for two weeks. You can reset affirmation every week or every two weeks. (Sample: lose weight 5lb, achieve sales of …, complete task of …, )
I am grateful / Have a peaceful moment or take a deep breath and think about what you can be grateful for. Any grateful things that pop up in your mind, write on a note. If you can think of 10 everyday it will be nice but do not pressure yourself to write 10. Start with as many as you can.
I am … / Who are you? You are much more than who you think you are. Write who you are. Write what kind of person you want to be and then become a dream person. (Sample: I am worthy. I am faithful. I am honest. I am successful. I am healthy. I am kind. I am Love and more.)